Sunday, January 25, 2015

Heat Generated During LP Playback - Does it matter?

I read something a while back and it had been bouncing around in my head for quite some time.  The subject was heat generated during playback on the record surface and the stylus could damage LP grooves if a record is played more than once a day.  A blog post I read asserted that this person would not ever play an LP a second time within 24 hours.  The theory put forth was that the vinyl was heated by the stylus and the stylus was also hot and it would act as a hot knife through butter, so to speak, if the LP was played back too soon and both surfaces were still hot.   It could cause undo damage to our records and promote premature record wear. 

I have some thoughts on this.  First off, I have verified that the record, indeed is warm after playing.  I have also verified that the stylus is also warm after playing.  My thoughts are this theory may have some credibility.  I have even gone so far as to think that possibly even using the stylus on a second LP, or even a second side may have negative effects on the grooves of a vinyl record. 

If anyone has any sophisticated heat measuring devices and can determine the temperature of the vinyl surface and the temperature of the stylus after playback, we may be able to calculate whether this is an actual risk to the longevity of our precious record collections.

For now, I am not playing the same LP side twice within 24 hours.  I am also changing the stylus out on my turntable after each LP.  I am considering in the future playing a single side with each stylus.  I know this is impractical for most people, I am fortunate to have a turntable that allows for switching out and re-balancing of head shells pretty darn easy.

I would be appreciative of any opinions out there, ranging from I am full of shit to full agreement.  I am very careful with my collection and record wear is never welcome in my house!!!  If I am full of shit, I am full of shit erring toward the lofty goal of minimal record wear.

What do you think?

Listening keeps the day just a little bit better.


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